Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The priest of the home

I was sitting in a summer tent revival meeting.  In such a meeting I was listen to the speaker refer to a husband or father as the priest of the home.  I thought to myself, "Is that a new idea or have I just not been paying attention before."  I could not remember hearing the phrase before.  Later I asked my father-in-law about it.  He affirmed that this was a correct teaching.  I was shocked,  I asked him where such a teaching if found in the Bible.  He went on to tell me about the male requirement of the priesthood Ancient Israel.  I decided I was not in the mood for a hopeless theological debate and let the matter end at my comment that how does that work if in relation to the Biblical teaching of the priesthood of all believers.

A good woman

Women throughout history have been oppressed in so many ways that many of them are not even aware of the degree of oppression.  My daughter was commenting that one of her male friends was needing to take a course on either Native American studies or Women's studies.  He was afraid of the Women's studies because he had heard the prof. was a man hater.   I responded to my daughter, well that might be an eye opener for him, since most men are women haters.  They say they love women, but so many men resent a woman that does not show traditional female submissiveness or weakness.  They are so quick to label them as radical feminsts or feminazis.  On face book one friend made a comment about how busy she been... trying to be a good preachers wife.   I asked her what the TOR for a pastor's wife are?  She didn't reply.  I guess she either doesn't know or just thinks I am acting stupid.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Inequality is certainly the cause of injustice. It is only by one person's, one nation's expression of entitlement that allows them to perpetuate an injustice upon another human.